Reiner Cherek

Heusenstammer Weg 105 - 63071 Offenbach - P/F+49(0)69/859804
Personal Data
- University education at the Ruhr-University Bochum and J.W. Goethe-University Frankfurt; subjects: Sport/English philology
- Additional qualification in psychomotor activities
- 1972 a student´s job in the Bauermeister-swimming-school Frankfurt
- From 1974 Technical Director of all Bauermeister- Swimming-schools
- At the beginning of 1978 inauguration of the Cherek-Swimming-School in Frankfurt; development of promotion-concepts in water for persons with deficiencies in the awareness, the motor system, the emotion or the cognition
- 1980 inauguration of the Institute for Holistic Pedagogic in the Water – Instruction, Therapy, Research "Päd*aqua®"
- A book: "Baby- and Infantswimming – a parents counsellor"
- More than 25 special treatises in special periodicals and books
- Discourses at numerous international and 2 world congresses
- Lectureships at different academic institutions; presently Humboldt-University Berlin
- Trainee Programs and seminars for different institutions in Germany and abroad
- Spreading the holistic promotion-concepts "Päd*aqua®" in water in Germany and foreign countries (Europe, Japan, Korea)
- Development of new swimming arm-bands "Kraulquappen®" for babies, infants, children and other remedies for water-therapies
- Co-author of the text-book to achieve the certificate: "Teacher of courses: Baby- and infant-swimming" of the German Swimming Association
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